Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Lackluster, Lovable Lads and a Semester of Joy

I have found that Nabokov has a joy of taking what should be a seemingly average character type and making them into something close to extraordinary. I say this fully believing that if I were to read the rest of his works all of his main characters would be very average "Joes". He does this on purpose. Humbert Humbert is just a normal professor type who happens to like little girls because he can't get over his childhood love. Now, any average day to day man could have a thing for little girls and most people would be repulsed but for some reason (which I can't or maybe stubbornly refuse to explain) readers have sympathy for Humbert and yes, they even like him to some extent or other. 

Then there is dear Kinbote. He is just this poor schmuck who fancies him self royalty. He is a bit arrogant and rather convincing in his portrayal of himself as deposed royalty. He is that guy at the party that no one can stand to talk to. Who's to blame? Shade on the other hand is the guy that most of us have worked with at some point in life. He is a creative type, perhaps genius, but he may not be some one you would introduce to your normal social circle. To me, he seems a tad socially awkward. It is apparent that he would prefer to spend his time writing and that is okay. We like that about him.

Finally there is Hugh Person. He is the epitome of dull American. He has very little passion in life with the exception of tennis and Armande. And let's not even discuss how he was able to bag a super model for a wife because that is beyond my comprehension. He is lackluster at best but for some reason we like him. It is as though he is that lost puppy that you bring home in hopes that mom and dad will let you keep it. We can't help but cheer for his success with a super hot chick. Go Hugh! You the MAN!  

What I am trying to say is that it is nice to see an ordinary dude be the center of attention (most times). His stories are fresh in that they don't follow the typical cycle of creation (a clear cut and dry story). He likes to delight us with characters that are not larger than life and stories that could be the very meaning of ordinary. Overall, it has been a delightful semester reading about Hugh, You, Me, Kinbote, Shade, Lo, H.H, and let's not forget Gradus, and Clare. Hats off to you Mr. Nabokov, I look forward to reading more.

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